Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Tips from Tunie

Things I have just discovered that I love...

WD 40 - IN THE LAUNDRY ROOM!!! I ruined a shirt of RP's and had a t-shirt of mine with grease spots (okay, I'm like a kid - wiping my greasy paws from popcorn on my shirt...) I had already washed the both twice and they were considered RUINED. Put WD40 on them and the spots were gone. Fab.U.lous!

Left to Tell: One Woman's Story of Surviving the Rwandan Holocaust - Just read this book in two days. Totally not my type of book at all - but I loved it. Eight women lived in a bathroom without talking or moving much for three months. The author is younger than me. She's got amazing faith.

Fruit Fly Cocktail - My peaches got too ripe - now I have a GAJILLION fruit flies in my house. They seem to like the cocktail I made them - vinegar, red wine, and dish soap. Problem for them is, they drown in it.

Farm Corn - Okay, not a new passion, but seriously. I love that stuff.

More to come...

And if you have other fruit fly tips to share, please do.

1 comment:

Bink said...

I'm just glad it's WD-40 in the LAUNDRY room, not the bedroom, cuz we're not that kind of blog.