Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Oh the torture...

Oh the pain and torture of it all...

I am weaning myself away from so much DCL. (otherwise known as Diet Coke w/Lime.) I'm not giving it up entirely, but trying to cut back a little. I drink WAY. TOO. MUCH. DIET. COKE. Oh the headache. Oh the sadness.

Isn't it a pretty can? All sparkly and happy and full of joy? Yes, I know a fountain one is EVEN BETTER but you gotta love the lime too.

Yes I know about yummy flavored water and iced tea and all that, but it just isn't the same. And my headache is massive. And when does school start?

Oh and about my fab-u-lous fruit fly plan? Forget about it. My fruit flies have super powers. They can outlive two kinds of Raid, Windex, fly paper, wine/soap/vinegar, and hair spray. I hate those little buggers. My Christmas card will be signed from all of us and our 134,782 pets. We'll have just adopted them by then.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your body will adjust. I was addicted to Diet Coke Black Cherry Vanilla and then -- gasp -- the fricken company DISCONTINUED the product!!! I will never forgive them. Anyway... you will find another tasty beverage someday, maybe not as good as your current addiction, but eventually the taste buds adjust.