Monday, June 25, 2007

Am Old...

Today I sat at the pool reading a book while KJ and his friend played happily. I didn't have to pay very close attention because they are both great swimmers and are old enough to mostly fend for themselves (note - there was a lifeguard too and very few kids in the pool).

Nearby sat three twenty-somethings in their little bikinis with their two year olds. How did I get to be the older lady near them? When did I slip into my late 30's? And why did I waste my 20's being too chubby to wear a bikini to the pool???

I was reading The Washingtonienne. It's about a twenty-something who has sex every night with strangers and does a lot of drugs. It's based on her real life. I can't even begin to relate to this girl and/or feel any sympathy towards her. It's hard to read a book when you can't stand the main character. I'll all for easy reads and fun books, but because this one actually (mostly) is real, it's hard to relate to.

And it makes me feel old.

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